Social Media Outreach

Personal Branding Mistake #18: YOU'RE A LITTLE STIFF

Watermelon Social. Stephan Partners. NYC personal branding agency. NYC social selling agency. George Stephan. Branding. Digital marketing. Social media. Online branding. Social selling. Personal branding and digital marketing. Personal branding and …

Professional profiles are important, but your social pages shouldn’t read like resumes. You want to communicate with your audience not confuse them by being overly academic. Be clear and creative. 

Social media profiles are not resumes. Don’t make them look like one or read like one. It’s about your brand promise and your brand story. Experience counts as support for your branding, use it that way and stay away from the resume. Social media is effective because it’s social and interesting. If you do it right and it’s a job you’re looking for, you’ll have plenty of time to show your resume. Having a profile filled with experience, academic accomplishments and recommendations is good if it points to your branding. If not, your connections will not see it as relevant and may not be engaged. Showcase your creativity by presenting your brand in a manner that is socially appropriate and innovative. Spice up your social media platforms with visuals, as 65% of social media audiences are visual learners. Think about it as a party conversation. Would you read someone your resume or would you tell them a story? Bet they would rather hear a story!

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Personal Branding Mistake #24: WATCH YOUR BACK!

Watermelon Social. Stephan Partners. NYC personal branding agency. NYC social selling agency. George Stephan. Branding. Digital marketing. Social media. Online branding. Social selling. Personal branding and digital marketing. Personal branding and …

Although a great profile picture is key to your personal brand, don’t forget about the imagery directly behind it. Incorporating some background art is an easy way to harmonize the look and feel of your brand and support your promise. 

Visuals are the most engaging type of content on social media. For instance, adding a photo URL to a tweet can boost your engagement by more than 25%. Video works even better as an engagement device. Approximately 40% of online users have a better and more favorable response to outreach when visuals are used over text. Visuals are processed 60,000 times faster by the brain than text. LinkedIn, for instance, offers great opportunities to customize your personal brand with background, portrait and downloadable visuals throughout your profile. It’s said that people are not reading these days. Make it easy on your visitor and boost your profile with visuals. 

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Personal Branding Mistake #31: A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED

Watermelon Social. Stephan Partners. NYC personal branding agency. NYC social selling agency. George Stephan. Branding. Digital marketing. Social media. Online branding. Social selling. Personal branding and digital marketing. Personal branding and …

You need your connections and they need you too. Don’t hesitate to give appropriate endorsements or recommendations. They may just want to return the favor. 

Did you know that 35% of LinkedIn users access the site daily? Stay in touch, recommend and nurture your connections. There are over 1 billion LinkedIn endorsements making their profiles 4X more likely to be viewed. The more endorsements you make, the more you will receive and the more attention you will get. So get on the endorsement band wagon!

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Watermelon Social. Stephan Partners. NYC personal branding agency. NYC social selling agency. George Stephan. Branding. Digital marketing. Social media. Online branding. Social selling. Personal branding and digital marketing. Personal branding and …

LinkedIn gives you the option to list three sites under your contact information – make sure you’re maximizing your outreach capabilities by listing company sites, personal sites, and social pages. 

Instead of using the default “Personal Website” on your LinkedIn page – type anchor text links in your LinkedIn profile. You can change the anchor text to make those links more appealing to people who view your profile. Promote your company’s LinkedIn presence by adding the Company Follow button to your website. Include content such as your contact information, websites, articles and slideshares to cultivate your network connections. 

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Personal Branding Mistake #49: NOT TACKLING TWITTER

Watermelon Social. Stephan Partners. NYC personal branding agency. NYC social selling agency. George Stephan. Branding. Digital marketing. Social media. Online branding. Social selling. Personal branding and digital marketing. Personal branding and …

LinkedIn has been good to you, but Twitter can be generate great business too – 42% of account holders use Twitter to learn about products and services. Give your personal brand a boost and tackle Twitter!

Twitter can enhance your professional life. There are 500 million tweets sent per day. There are 305 million monthly active visitors on Twitter which is significantly more than the monthly visitors on LinkedIn. If Twitter were a country, it would be the 12th largest worldwide. Twitter supports over 33 languages. With Twitter size does really matter. 

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Personal Branding Mistake #53: NO MANNERS

Watermelon Social. Stephan Partners. NYC personal branding agency. NYC social selling agency. George Stephan. Branding. Digital marketing. Social media. Online branding. Social selling. Personal branding and digital marketing. Personal branding and …

Make sure to say please when you want to connect, and thank you when you receive an invitation. Manners matter in the digital world. Good manners can get the conversation going!

Using good manners in all online interactions is an important best practice. Simple things such as “Please” and “Thank you” go a long way in the digital world. Just because conversations are brief doesn’t mean your manners should be. Be polite and be professional. With 93% of recruiters looking at your social media platforms be on your best behavior at all times. 

LEARN MORE about why Personal Branding matters.