Engaging Your Audience


Watermelon Social. Stephan Partners. NYC personal branding agency. NYC social selling agency. George Stephan. Branding. Digital marketing. Social media. Online branding. Social selling. Personal branding and digital marketing. Personal branding and …

If your elevator pitch is followed by yawns and glazed looks, then it’s time to revitalize your brand. Get creative; revamp your pitch.

Your elevator pitch tells your audience why you are different and better than your peers. You want your elevator pitch to engage them in 30 seconds or less. Excite and inspire your audience about your brand’s value. Having a stiff and arid pitch may achieve the opposite. Tell your story and don’t lecture. Ask yourself, would I be interested in this? If your pitch has been unsuccessful in the past then try something else. Recharge your pitch by thinking outside the box. Run it by your family and friends then bring it to the world. 

LEARN MORE about why Personal Branding matters.

Personal Branding Mistake #32: YOU'RE NOT LISTENING

Watermelon Social. Stephan Partners. NYC personal branding agency. NYC social selling agency. George Stephan. Branding. Digital marketing. Social media. Online branding. Social selling. Personal branding and digital marketing. Personal branding and …

Pay attention to your feed and see what your connections and groups are talking about. Finding out what interests your network allows you to better engage them in your own posts. 

Your social pages work best when you are engaged. Operate like a Fortune 500 brand and pay attention to your social feed. 92% of Fortune 500 brands tweet at least once a day. Check your feed on a regular basis to stay on top of what is relevant to your network. Even if it’s not your top priority, make it part of your day to engage your audience, prospects will notice. 

LEARN MORE about why Personal Branding matters.

Personal Branding Mistake #39: SO YOU HAVE STAGE FRIGHT?

Watermelon Social. Stephan Partners. NYC personal branding agency. NYC social selling agency. George Stephan. Branding. Digital marketing. Social media. Online branding. Social selling. Personal branding and digital marketing. Personal branding and …

You should always be looking for opportunities to discuss, speak and publish what you know best. Answer questions about what you do, step up when you’re invited to speak publicly and don’t fear the spotlight.

It’s time to get active. The best time to post and do outreach on LinkedIn is Tuesdays through Thursdays around noon or between 5pm and 6pm. Your LinkedIn profile is also 5X more likely to be viewed if you join and are active in discussion groups. Hiring managers are looking at your profile during those high traffic times to get a feel for who you are and why you are different and better than your peers. They also look at your social media profile to find out if you fit in the company culture. Showcasing your skills and brand personality provides your audience with a sense of who you are. Don’t be afraid to promote your brand, your next opportunity is just around the corner. 

LEARN MORE about why Personal Branding matters.