Personal Branding Mistake #9: YOU'RE TOO PERSONAL!

Watermelon Social. Stephan Partners. NYC personal branding agency. NYC social selling agency. George Stephan. Branding. Digital marketing. Social media. Online branding. Social selling. Personal branding and digital marketing. Personal branding and …

New business prospects want to know about YOU, not your kids, your dog and your extended family. Being professional is important, and finding a balance between professional and personal is even more important.

Professionals often struggle with the fine line between personal and professional content for social media. Posting personal information on your professional social media platforms is not a good idea and at times totally inappropriate. Your professional audience wants to know about your brand and its value, not about your new puppy. Keep your content professional, consistent and always supporting your brand promise. While it’s okay to share your opinion, steer clear of topics that could be too controversial, like politics. Being too personal on your professional social media pages may have a negative impact on your branding. Keep professional content separate from personal and you’ll be good to go.

LEARN MORE about why Personal Branding matters.